Off The Hook
Off The Hook
Crooked Joe the Credit Card Thief
What happens when societal issues, thrilling adventures, and the sheer joy of duck hunting collide in one podcast episode? Join us on the Off the Hook podcast with Chad and Rob, as we navigate the intricate dance between everyday life and its more dramatic moments. From our hopes for political calm post-inauguration to the mundane chore of tackling taxes, we weave stories that are as relatable as they are engaging. You'll hear about an illegal citizen causing a ruckus on the road and the economic ripples of rising insurance rates and store closures due to theft. Amidst these discussions, we take a heartwarming pause to celebrate the beauty of a sunrise during duck hunting season and the vital role of conservation.
The adventure doesn't stop there, as we gear up for an exhilarating pursuit of a suspect entangled in a domestic dispute. With bulletproof vests and body cams, we recount the tense yet sometimes humorous mission of tracking down this elusive figure, nestled in a challenging hideout. Our storytelling comes full circle with a light-hearted farewell to our listeners, encouraging you all to stay out of trouble—or you might just need to be "off the hook." Engage with us across multiple platforms, and don't miss out on future episodes packed with behind-the-scenes tales and more. Stay tuned for our next engaging session, where more exciting stories await.
When people are released from jail, they have the responsibility to appear in court, but some of these people choose to go on the run.
Speaker 2:They go back home to mommy.
Speaker 1:And that is when these guys come into the picture. So sit back and listen to the Off the Hook podcast with Chad and Rob Very fine people on both sides. These are real stories, but the names have been changed.
Speaker 2:What's going on, guys?
Speaker 3:I'm Rob and I'm Chad. What's?
Speaker 2:up. Ah man, it's been an interesting week if you look on the news, but I don't get too much in that because this is going to come out the day after Mr DJT gets put back into office and we get some normalcy, hopefully. But other than that, before we get to that, chad, how's your week been?
Speaker 3:brother. It's been slow, it's been cold and I'm getting my taxes together. Nothing exciting has happened all freaking week, so it is what it is, but hey, good stuff's coming right I hope so.
Speaker 2:But hey, good stuff's coming right. I hope so. Man taxes, I got to do mine too today. Actually it sucks, but other than that, I'm working on a skit, by the way, for a bondsman, all right. So this bondsman out of Raleigh I don't know who the hell she was.
Speaker 3:I have one that contacted me about an illegal guy that he's looking for.
Speaker 2:I'm not going to say too much because the guy is still out and about, but hopefully here by the next time.
Speaker 3:Oh, you have a great lead on this guy. Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Is he a legal citizen? He is an illegal citizen. That so is mine. Decided to get in a car with no license and fictitious tags and everything else, drive it drunk as hell, hit somebody and hurt them very, very badly and let me guess, no insurance. No insurance. So guess what? Our insurance rates goes up because of crap like that, because they don't have insurance.
Speaker 3:We've got to cover them right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it sucks.
Speaker 3:It's just like all these people that are stealing stuff from stores. Raise the prices and you know.
Speaker 2:I think all these stores, like in Washington, oregon and California, they started saying you know, screw this, we're out because we can't afford it. We can't afford to be so amazing.
Speaker 3:I saw on the news last night all the companies that are changing their woke policies. Oh yeah, there's a ton of them and like I don't know man, it's, I think it's whoever's in office they cater to. It seems like. Well, this is common sense stuff, this they just they're.
Speaker 2:they're going along with the woke shit so you can get votes, and it doesn't work, as we've seen it Well.
Speaker 3:I'm not saying I mean companies aren't getting votes. I mean they're just appealing to these companies for whatever reason. You know they were, you know you look at the commercials. I mean all the woke crap that's in there. But I think that there was listed. It looked like about 20 companies that have changed major companies. Lowe's is one of them that's good.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm glad to hear it oh man, walmart, walmart's one of them so this episode will go out the day after the day after inauguration, and on wednesday we're supposed to get some wintery mix. So I'm gonna uh take chad here duck hunting. Yes, and I took him duck hunting the other uh, the other day.
Speaker 3:Get that quacky donald ducky yes the only duck I like.
Speaker 2:We uh me and my me and a good friend, david, uh took, uh took chad out, um, and then didn't mean, we went out again, didn't we?
Speaker 3:yeah we've been out, yeah, a couple times but it's beautiful in the morning, you know, before the sun rises. And you're looking at this, this sunrise starting to come up and all you see is little silhouettes of birds and you're trying to figure out if it's the kind that you want to shoot or let it go it's, it's you know what, and a lot of people that like this woke crap.
Speaker 2:You know that, don't? People that don't like hunting. If you stop for a second and take, you know, and just stop and look at the duck, just say duck hunting, because I know duck hunting. Right, the federal duck stamp that you buy every year is $25. That money goes to, uh, raising. That money goes to raising putting bracelets on them, because they put little bracelets on, not every one of them, but if you shoot one it tells you Migration patterns.
Speaker 2:Migration pattern, where it came from, what year it was born, the whole nine. So it's in order for every state and the federal government to both come together and say, okay, this is the population. Um, it's okay to you know, to harvest right this, you know these many per day.
Speaker 3:Because wait a minute, these same guys? Better not cancel out flounder season this year man that, yeah, that's a whole.
Speaker 2:I think that's a whole different um by state Wildlife commission, whatever I mean.
Speaker 3:We've been denied that, and every time I go fishing I catch flounder. There is no shortage, there's a big flounder too, bro. Yeah, that's a political thing.
Speaker 2:The other morning, when me and my son went duck hunting, we were putting up a little creek bed up in the marsh and we were just checking things out and I saw this, this drum, this black drum. He had to be about 18 inches.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, this and this the season, yeah, they get huge. Yeah, oh, the drums get huge.
Speaker 2:But but I can't wait to, I can't. I'm ready for a warm-up though, yeah, yeah we've had extremely cold this year.
Speaker 3:I guess that climate change has happened. It's kind of in reverse, you know it's always changing folks. It always has to the dawn of time, you know we go through it's. It's proven.
Speaker 2:Ooh, before we get to the story, I told you this a day, but uh, did you see where? Um well, I told you so. Um well, I told you so, uh, kenny chesney is playing at the sphere doing a residency for 12 shows. That's gonna be awesome. I, I think we're. We're gonna try to go, so I'm excited about that. For this year you got anything. You got anything like. You're really excited.
Speaker 3:I know you're going to metallica yeah, I'm gonna go see metallica may 31st.
Speaker 2:Ah man I can, I can't do you Taking my boy. You got to take videos, but Pantera is where.
Speaker 1:I'm going.
Speaker 3:Yes, fuck. Metallica is so-so to me, but Pantera is my group. Yes, yes, yeah, they're good to work out to. Oh, it's on my playlist every day at the gym.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. That's why I go in and I'm I kill it right on. I mean, look at these arms, man, the size of my freaking thigh. All right, so now let's, let's start getting to our story.
Speaker 3:Yeah, so let's get into story time what is?
Speaker 2:what is?
Speaker 3:his name. This is dirty joe, the credit card thief dirty joe the credit card thief. Well, it's all fitting In remembrance of Joe we've dealt with, who's stolen all of our money for the past four years and gave it to other people, other countries, who don't give a shit about us. Hey, california got nothing for you, north Carolina got nothing for you. Hawaii.
Speaker 2:Well, hang on, bro, I'm sorry, $700. $770.
Speaker 3:Oh, is it $770?. $750 for Hawaii, $770 for California. Is that what it was? I?
Speaker 2:think it was $700 for Hawaii, $770 for California and $750 for North Carolina. What the hell is the difference?
Speaker 3:I don't get it. That's an insult, dude. You could have rebuilt Hawaii with the money. Hell, you could have rebuilt the um with the money.
Speaker 2:Hell. You can have rebuilt the whole damn United States as much money as we sent over to Ukraine. Oh it's, it's sickening, Um, anyway, let's change Anyway, because I'll get on a rant and I'll get all pissed off. Yeah, we don't need to get into it All right. So crooked Joe, credit card thief, and it's all fitting, I like that Crooked Joe. Since today is well, when this podcast comes out, it's the day after inauguration, so we love you.
Speaker 3:We mean it? Here we go. Just a little intro music to story time.
Speaker 2:I told I told Chad this morning. I was like hey man. I said what do you think about this for the introduction to story time? He said yes, yes, yes, some things just work, you know. Absolutely.
Speaker 3:Anyway, let's get into it All right. So this is the story of Dirty Joe or Crooked Joe Crooked Joe, yeah, that's better, that's better.
Speaker 3:Crooked Joe the credit card thief yeah, and he was a I don't know, like a $20,000 bond, brunswick County. Yeah, yeah, this guy got him out for credit card theft and anyway, of course, the time came, we get the letter in the mail Forfeiture. This guy is now. You know. We're trying to reach out and get a hold of him. Go through the paperwork. We'll pull the paperwork. Make the calls that we have. At the time. When you do these bonds, you better get as much information as you can, because when they go into the wind and you don't know who they're going to be, that's going to do it.
Speaker 2:You better have enough information right and thank God, I took some good information on this.
Speaker 3:Yeah, oh, that reminds me I was speaking to um alex price. Oh, yeah, mr skip guru. Yeah, alex, if you're listening, we'll have you on tonight. Yep, we can't wait to have you on the podcast. Um, very interesting guy.
Speaker 2:40 years of skip tracing, yeah, but um, he's also a private investigator and bondsman all that, oh he's he's taught, taught dog and that whole crew some of their skills, but a very knowledgeable guy Anyway.
Speaker 3:He gave me a few pointers and things like that, of stuff that a lot of people overlook. You never can get enough knowledge in this business of how to find people.
Speaker 2:But I've met some people who just don't, they think they just know it all yeah, well, some, some, some, do some think that way.
Speaker 3:If you think that way, you're doomed to fail. Yeah, pretty much. And uh, you know we know a lot of those guys that feel that way. We don't know it all. We know enough to to basically get as far as we're getting.
Speaker 2:We learn from our mistakes, that's for sure.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we do.
Speaker 2:Hey, we'll never do that again. That's the best. Hey, this worked better. This worked good. Let's try this again.
Speaker 3:You know, and luck helps too sometimes. Yeah, We've had that happen too, but Chad's always told me this, yeah, me this, yeah.
Speaker 2:and he's also told the fugitives this they have to be. We only have to be lucky once. They have to be lucky every time, all the time. So evidently it runs out eventually yeah, so who's that across there? Yeah, it's a marine civil oh, okay, and make sure it ain't trying to mess my drivers.
Speaker 3:I guess they're gonna go get in this cold water. Anyway, good luck. So um, back to our story. We went through the list of references. Nada, nada. I think we got a hold of somebody. I wanted to say it was the cosigner. Finally, it might have been the cosigner, it might have been a relative. Somebody let us know that dude was in Georgia.
Speaker 2:And they pissed. I think they pissed that person off.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it happens with these people who decide to run. A lot of times they piss off somebody. It's a matter of finding that person. So they let us know that they were in Georgia and we start looking in Georgia and there's a couple of sites we look at.
Speaker 2:Northwest Georgia, by the way, northwest Okay.
Speaker 3:By.
Speaker 2:Chattanooga Right by Chattanooga, tennessee, right down the line.
Speaker 3:I think we were looking on arrestorg.
Speaker 3:And that's a great site, as long as they report to that or another one. Vinelink, vinelink yes, a great site, as long as they report to that or another one. Finally, finally, yes, that was started by two brothers who, their sister, testified in a murder, murder case, and the the jails never alerted them that the person was going to be released. The guy got out, he killed that lady. So these two brothers got together and they started finally to notify people when a person either moves to another place any movement of a person in jail or when they're released, which is a great thing. So those are two sites that we use a lot, and I think we found where he was recently arrested and and uh, what county? But rome, georgia, georgia, yep, whatever county that is. So we, we decide that it's time to make make a trip down to georgia right, yeah, because we also had another thing for bankers.
Speaker 2:Yeah now, because this, now, this one in rome, georgia, was us now. And then bankers had contacts say, hey, hey, we had a skip out west in North Carolina, can you help out with us? So we were like all right, we're going to try to do two birds with one stone.
Speaker 3:Two for one, yep, two for one. We were running a special that day.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but remember, because we got on the way to Rome, you had to go all the way across North Carolina to Chattanooga and come down right I mean, it's just, it was a long drive, it was a long drive. So we get to cherokee and we come to find out the girl we're looking for on the indian reservation we found out we were like, hang on, let's go to the cops remember that was that one.
Speaker 3:Yeah, she was in, and now that's divided, like some of that is indian, indian land that you can't.
Speaker 2:You can't go on you can go, but you have to ask permission yeah, and we did we went up there and asked their own laws. Yeah, you don't want to piss them off. And you remember, like if you get caught in that on the reservation you get an fta anywhere in the state of north carolina, remember, they lock you up and you don't get out until your court date right right they don't, they don't mess around up there in the reservation.
Speaker 2:But we went there and asked for permission and it was like, hey, she's here and we're like okay, cool, we got proper paperwork sent off, bankers, we're good to go. Then we head down to rome, georgia.
Speaker 3:So we get down to rome, georgia, and we're. I think we used one of our databases to get an address or something no, no, no, no.
Speaker 2:is that not what happened? No, we, we had an address, but it didn't look right and so we stopped a cop. I remember we stopped a cop Because he got arrested, remember.
Speaker 3:Yes, so he was able to tell us the last time he got arrested in the area and we were in luck. That's where luck comes in sometimes. Yep, he had just been arrested. What a week or two. It wasn't long, and so with that arrest we now have a new address, a current address, where he's at. So, yay, good news.
Speaker 2:And he's not supposed to be around this woman because remember it was domestic.
Speaker 3:That particular arrest was Ours was the stolen credit cards. His was assault on a female, and then we have a new address. We go by and it's. It was like a like a main road, but I remember it was a main road, but there's like off in the woods it was as a little you can trailer off in the woods, yeah and but I guess the next property over.
Speaker 2:But if there's a patch of woods between the trailer and this next property, yeah, and remember it was like some type of commercial place or something.
Speaker 3:I remember it was warm because they had a swimming pool and I think we walked by and we had all our gear on, you know, our bulletproof vests, yeah, we pulled up and got out. They're like what's going on and we told the neighbors you know what we were there to do?
Speaker 2:We had to sneak through the woods. Remember.
Speaker 3:We had to sneak through the woods, remember? Yeah, we snuck through the woods and we were wearing our body cams, I mean I think we have footage of this. I've got footage, but it won't upload for some reason Whatever, this is back when we were trying to send stuff for that TV show. We were filming all the time. Anyway, we split up and we went um three different directions. One was on the east side, west side and south side of the house. Right, and James is with us.
Speaker 2:Yep, james was the third Cause he was on one side of the house. Where were me and you?
Speaker 3:at. I was. I mean, we're all by ourselves.
Speaker 2:I was in the woods on the east side and I was on the south side.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and then James was on the west side, so that way we could see, you know, if they went anywhere.
Speaker 2:I remember do you remember James going up to the like? We were going through the woods right and we were getting up to the house and James comes out and sneaks up beside the house and he's looking through the window.
Speaker 3:Yes, he was using some of that PI skills. Yeah, yeah, he was in like dudes, like six, six. He's tall. Yeah, I don't know how he becomes invisible, but he does a pretty good job for a guy being that tall. Yeah, so I remember we kind of all you know, decided, you know, once we thought the house was safe enough to approach cause, you don't know, I mean this guy, we don't know his, what he can, he can be, you know, having guns, he could be doing something else that we don't know about down there. So you got to watch, you got to wait for the right moment until you figure that it's safe to approach.
Speaker 2:Right, and so I remember coming around the house and looking. The front door was wide open and I remember looking in there and I could see him sitting on it.
Speaker 3:They had a porch. I remember they had a porch I remember seeing him sitting on the recliner.
Speaker 2:Oh you could. Yeah, yeah, okay. So I eased back and I told James.
Speaker 3:I said hey, he's sitting right there Because it's up as soon as they see us and all that. Yeah, there's no sneaking up on that. He thought that once we went to the door got him there, he thought we were with the bonding company. He was on bond with them there Remember.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because we made him believe it, because we were like okay, cool, whatever, come outside, we want to talk to you Right, right, Once you're outside it's. So I remember us going up to the door hey man, we need to talk to you, and he was kind of hesitant about coming out at first. Yeah, and he finally comes out and we're like all right, well, I'm putting my handcuffs. He's like he starts whining whoa, whoa, are you locking me up?
Speaker 3:well then, we tell him that we're from north carolina, yeah and uh, that he missed court up there, and he's like, oh, I don't have to go to that. You know, I'm in a different state, you can't come here, you can't come here and do this, this is kidnapping.
Speaker 2:And we're laughing at him like, okay, we're like all right, dude, whatever you think, man go ahead.
Speaker 3:Yeah, with that. Um just whining the whole time we put him he was yelling all right.
Speaker 2:So remember, we got him in handcuffs and we're walking up the driveway and we're walking us on the road that takes us over back. He was trying to buck. He was trying. He was like five foot, nothing like 110 pounds, like soaking wet wet sock.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he was trying to buck hard man, I remember that and I remember, um, like we had to pull out the taser, yeah, and put the laser on him and you know a ready to ready if he was going to keep on, because, I mean, he was bucking hard.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and he finally calmed down from that. We get over to the truck, throw him in a backseat. It was my truck, remember my black Dodge I had at the time, yep, so we get him in there and he's just like you can't do this, call the cops.
Speaker 3:He was telling the people at the neighbor's house or whatever, and we'd already talked to them, told them what was going on. We showed them because they were outside in their little swimming pool. We walked by and we don't want to freak them out. You know we're like sorry your neighbor's got to go.
Speaker 2:You know, here's what's up and so we get in there. I remember this too. James was in the back seat with him and james was hungry. James is about to eat, right, he's like hey, man, you want something to eat? He goes. The guy goes. No, y'all ain't supposed to do. He goes, all right, whatever.
Speaker 3:He goes back to eat and the dude's getting mad and mad because we keep ignoring him and it's a long drive and usually I mean, like I always try to like appease people when they're in handcuffs and they're in the car, and we got a long drive. I mean, it's a long drive. This sucks to be, you know, somebody trying to buck on you. It makes for a miserable ride. So it does, I'll promise them. The world man, you know, is to make everything calm, right. Yep, you know, it's just, it's just a means to an end to get there and like it's not going to change anything what you do. But you might as well calm down because this is a long ride. Yeah, you don't want us to pull over and, you know, have to calm you down physically or put hog tie, you put you in the back of trucks.
Speaker 3:They want to hear you yeah, you know, but so anyway, we usually, you know, are able to get them to chill to a degree where they're tolerable.
Speaker 2:So anyway, so remember, so we're driving back. It's a long drive, yeah, and we're driving back, and the whole time he's being a little. I'm just going to say it. He's being a little bitch, a whiny little bitch, yeah, he was.
Speaker 2:So remember, though he goes, I want to call my girl. I'm like, alright, whatever, car girl, we don't care. So he's like Baby, I love you. When I get out of jail I'm going to come back and marry you. And we're like, we're like we're going along with it. We're like, yeah, you want us to stop and get you a little ring from the like, the little 25 cent from the little gas station little ring yeah yeah, a little ring pop right and, and as soon as he gets off the phone we're like oh cool, you're gonna get married.
Speaker 2:He goes. No, I just said that. I was like what?
Speaker 3:yeah, I think. I think, as a matter of fact, I think we got further back into north carolina. I think she called us uh-huh talking about, well, what's it gonna take to bond him back out exactly he was using her bro and I yeah, he was, she was buying it and I I said, look, lady. I said I don't. You know we had to go through all this. We're not bonding him back out. You know we're not coming back to georgia, georgia, to deal with this. You'll have to call somebody else.
Speaker 2:So they did call somebody else. Remember yes, Remember what happened.
Speaker 3:I know exactly who they called.
Speaker 2:now that I think about it, yeah, and they had to look for him too after we warned them and we told them not to bond them out. And they're like, okay, they bond them out. And they're like, okay, they bond them out. And it was, of course, the bond at the time. How it works in North Carolina if you miss court, like, say, if it's a $10,000 bond, you miss court, then when you get locked up again on a failure to appear, it's supposed to double. Yeah, so it would be $20,000. So of course, this one doubled and when it doubled the, the bond still got him out, yeah, and he took off and went back somewhere to tennessee. Was that where it went? I think so, in a hotel and they had to go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was, that was miss k right I think it was miss k at this time. I think it was her, and her ex-husband were still together, sanny, yeah, sanny, claude, they were, they were together. Yeah, yeah, so I remember them telling me that they had to go there. And when they went there he like got a fight with k and santa we warned you.
Speaker 2:We warned you, yeah, but you know you didn't want to listen and then they I think he got away and they had to go back and get him again, but they finally got him, yeah yeah, that's a lot of effort to put into that.
Speaker 3:Um, after you've been told, yeah. But whatever. I learned a lesson too.
Speaker 2:Yep, I mean, we all learn lessons, we all you know that was pretty through there.
Speaker 3:Uh, through that, george. You remember the river and everybody kayak. Yeah we stopped. That's some whitewater Nana.
Speaker 2:Hala.
Speaker 3:Is that what it's?
Speaker 2:called yeah, that's in North Carolina too.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it was pretty through there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's. The western North Carolina is just amazing, just like the Rockies are amazing in their own different way. I mean, there's some beautiful parts of this country and I hate to see it ruined by somebody like Crooked Joe, like here, and then Crooked Joe up in DC.
Speaker 3:Oh man, just giving that money away. So that was Crooked Joe. Yeah, that was Crooked Joe, and that's the story on him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we won't do that again. That's what damage you were On to the next problem, on to the next problem. So got any big plans coming up?
Speaker 3:jane man, no, I mean, let's do. We gotta go hunting next week? Oh yeah, all right, let's go do that nice and cold on wednesday with some flurries. I want to go fishing bad.
Speaker 2:But uh, I'll go hunting, I'll go shoot daffy yeah, we got there, that's out there, it's so beautiful, even if you don't shoot nothing.
Speaker 3:Like you said, watching that sunrise yeah yeah, it's like being at a drive-in movie theater. It's just like with these tall grass, reeds in front of you and the sun comes up and just lights up.
Speaker 2:It's just beautiful man. It's cool yeah. It's just beautiful To me. I'm appreciative of being able to be out there to see it. Yeah, Not everybody gets to see something like that. That's true and it's absolutely beautiful.
Speaker 3:If you haven't tried it, you should try. Expand your horizons and try something like that. Hey, chad did and look at him. Well, I mean I've hunted a long time. I mean I used to hunt, I used to bow hunt, oh yeah, Well, and you know, I want to go up to Michigan and Ted Nugent. Kill a cow pretty much Hunting on his land. Right, right, that'd be awesome. Hey, ted, we were going to do that with Mark but that didn't work out. You know, hey, Ted, we're still available, we still want to go up there, Ted.
Speaker 3:if you watch this, Like I said, would a deer look like a cow? They're huge.
Speaker 2:Remember we told that story already. When we came back, and remember us looking on the side of the road, they were like holy shit, what was that? And the guy in handcuffs was like, hey, man, that's just a deer. And I'm like, holy shit, it looks, she looks like a cow, yeah, huge. Oh well, that's it for today. Man, we were 20, 27 minutes, whatever yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man. Well guys, thank you for tuning in again. Uh, we appreciate um all the support. We appreciate uh feedback. We appreciate uh people stopping by. Uh, we appreciate people stopping by. We've had quite a few people reach out to us.
Speaker 3:And we got Mr Alex Skipguru.
Speaker 2:Yes, I got contacted by a bondsman out of Colorado. I can't pronounce her name.
Speaker 2:We saw her down in Pensacola at Michelle's thing, she sent me a thing Hang on Before I get off. I got to share it with you guys. She told me to share this book and need to have him on Anya. She said hey, robert, you should check out my friend's new book. I think he would be a pretty amazing guest of your show. Okay, 1,500 Years of Fighting by Dr John Giddick. I went to Ukraine in 2022. He is an author of many interesting topics. Check him out. So we are going to do that. I'm going to do that as soon as I get done with taxes, because I can't do everything at once.
Speaker 3:I got to tell you one when we're off air. Another one I got contacted by last night. All right, yeah, so anyway, let's wrap last night. All right, yeah, so anyway, let's wrap it up, all right Well thank you again.
Speaker 2:If you like what you hear, you can see us on YouTube at Off the Hook Podcast. If you want to be on the show, just hit us up. If you've got questions, comments, let us know. We're on Spotify the whole night, so until then, I'm Rob, know, we're on spotify the whole night so until then, I'm rob, I'm chad and we love you.
Speaker 1:We'll see you later. Peace you've been listening to. Off the hook with chad and rob. We hope you've enjoyed the show. Make sure to like, rate and review, and be sure to follow us for notifications for another exciting episode. But in the meantime, you can go to our website at wwwoffthehookbillcom to see more. So until next time, stay out of trouble, or it'll be you that needs to get off the hook. See you soon. You.